Nella giornata del 23 ottobre 2023, noi delle classi V liceali abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di un incontro a scuola con la dott.ssa Giulia Balsamo. Nella prima parte della sessione, la dott.ssa Balsamo ci ha illustrato il suo eccellente percorso universitario che l’ha condotta ad intraprendere la carriera da aiuto-regista; la seconda parte, invece, è stata dedicata al racconto della sua esperienza di lavoro a Betlemme, che ha permesso anche un chiaro ed esaustivo approfondimento sui drammatici eventi da lei vissuti in prima persona. E’ stato particolarmente toccante avere di fronte a noi e dialogare con chi ha vissuto quei delicati momenti e ha visto con i propri occhi quelle immagini di guerra che noi, da semplici studenti e studentesse liceali, possiamo vagamente apprendere solo attraverso mezzi di comunicazione quali la televisione e social media. È stata per noi un’occasione irripetibile per riflettere su quanto sia indispensabile il ruolo delle testimonianze dirette al fine di poter comprendere realmente argomenti di attualità delicati e complessi.
On the 23rd of October 2023, all students of the fifth year of high school had the opportunity to meet the assistant director Giulia Balsamo. During the first part of the meeting, Giulia Balsamo explained her outstanding university course that led her to pursue a career as assistant director; the second part was dedicated to the narration of his work experience in Bethlehem, focusing in a very clear, lucid and comprehensive manner on the dramatic events she experienced firsthand. It was particularly touching to have in front of us and to talk with someone who has lived those delicate moments and has seen with her own eyes those images of war that we, as simple students and high school students, can only vaguely observe through media such as television and social media. It was a unique opportunity for us to reflect on how necessary the role of direct testimonies is in order to really understand such delicate and complex issues.Irene De Simone Policarpo V europeo A
On October 23rd, my class and I had the opportunity to meet Giulia Balsamo, a young woman who talked with us about her job and her recent experience in Palestine.
In the first part of the meeting, Giulia explained us her job of 2nd Assistant Director and how she reached her goal to work in the film industry. This part was actually really interesting. I enjoyed the fact that we had the chance to meet someone completely passionate about what they do that is, also, unusual. I think that that gave hope to all my classmates who want to do particular and difficult to reach jobs.
Talking about the second part of the meeting, I was a little shaken by Giulia’s words.
The first thing I thought was that she was really brave and also dedicated to her passion, and her work-trips to Palestine were absolute proof of it.
Hearing about the conflict between Israel and Palestine from someone who partially experienced it was a stonge, useful experience which made me feel empathetic to all the people living in this scenario of war.
Finally, pragmatically speaking, thanks to this meeting I discovered the importance and the efficiency of our “Farnesina” and our “Unità di Crisi”. In fact, Giulia managed to come back to Italy thanks to these organizations that I didn’t know existed.
Alice Lo Cascio, VeuB